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ANSI Compliance Resources Page

| First Aid Supplies Online

Last month FASO did a press release announcing the creation of our new ANSI Z308.1-2015 compliance page. This page came into being while hearing from many of our commercial and institutional customers who were concerned about this new workplace safety standard. The new ANSI first aid kit standard sets out “the minimum requirement for a workplace first aid kit.”

We had done a number of informative blog posts on the topic going back to October of 2015 and thought that we’d done a pretty good job of getting the information out there. What we discovered however was that the information and its comprehension was only part of the equation and if you are looking for information this is an excellent resource.
However as our customers pointed out to us

on numerous occasions, “OK now I know what I need to get to bring my kits up to the new standard, but where do I get the stuff?”

What they were experiencing was obvious looked at in retrospect. There are eighteen items required by this new ANSI standard for a Class A first aid kits and twenty-one for the Class B. Most of our customers already had some or most of the required first aid items. The problem was where to get the items  they were missing and the required label that goes with it?

The answer is on our new ANSI Compliance page where you will find all of the items required by the new standard and each product will be linked directly to the item on our website for easy purchase.

All of the required first aid items for both kit classes are located within one table on the compliance page for your convenience including the required ANSI labels.

So there you go everything you need to know about ANSI Z308.1-2015, the resources and products linked together in once convenient place.